As someone who has indulged in the recreational use of marijuana, you might have experienced moments where you feel like you’re high beyond control. Some may find the sensation of being too stoned to be a bit overwhelming and disorienting. But don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll provide helpful strategies to help manage the intensity of a high and address red eyes.
We’ll discuss how to lower your blood pressure by finding a comfortable position, wearing sunglasses to reduce light sensitivity, and breathing deeply to calm yourself down. We’ll also cover how to deal with red eyes using eye drops or other remedies so that you can look less stoned if needed.
If smoking weed is something new for you or if it’s been awhile since your last time getting high, these tips will come in handy. By taking deep breaths and following our advice on reducing the effects of THC consumption, you’ll be able to enjoy your experience without feeling overwhelmed.
So whether it’s your first time smoking weed or not, read on for some helpful tips on what to do when you’re feeling too high!
Table of Contents:
- Understand Your Body’s Reaction to Cannabis
- Know Your Limits
- Avoid Overindulging
- Stay Hydrated
- Choose Your Setting Wisely
- FAQs in Relation to How to Not Look High
- Conclusion
Understand Your Body’s Reaction to Cannabis
To ensure you use cannabis safely, it is important to be aware of its various effects on the body. Knowing your body’s reaction to cannabis is key in helping you stay within safe limits of consumption.
When THC from cannabis is consumed, it binds with cannabinoid receptors throughout the body – including those in the brain – to produce a range of physical and psychological reactions that may differ between individuals. This interaction elicits a range of responses based on the individual’s unique physiology, ranging from euphoria to paranoia. Commonly reported effects include euphoria, relaxation, increased appetite, dry mouth and eyes as well as feelings of paranoia or anxiety for some people when taken in higher doses. It’s important to note that these effects are temporary; they usually last between one and four hours before wearing off completely.
It’s also important to know what kind of strain you’re using—indica strains tend to produce more sedative-like effects while sativa strains tend to be more energizing—as this will affect your experience too. Do your homework before trying it out so you have an understanding of the potential reaction each type may produce.
Take it slow and start small; get to know your body’s reaction before deciding whether or not to up the ante. Don’t jump in headfirst – ease into it, inch by inch, so you can gauge how much is enough for you without risking uncomfortable side-effects such as nausea or dizziness. Everyone has different thresholds so give yourself time to acclimate before turning up the heat.
Keep unpleasant side-effects like headaches from coming to the party by staying hydrated during sessions; dehydration causes blood vessels around the brain to tighten their grip, resulting in a headache after smoking weed. Quench your thirst before and after using cannabis with plenty of water – this will help keep any potential issues at bay. Keywords: Stay Hydrated, Avoid Headaches, Tighten Grip.
It is important to understand how your body reacts to cannabis in order to know when it’s time for a break. Realizing the potential impact of cannabis and being mindful of your own tolerance can be a key factor in ensuring safe usage.

Know Your Limits
It’s important to know your limits when it comes to cannabis. Knowing the potency of various strains, dosages and consumption approaches is vital for avoiding an overly intense high.
When consuming cannabis for the first time, start with a low dose and work your way up slowly until you find what works best for you. After each session, take note of your body’s reaction to inform future adjustments.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strains or products as long as they are from a reputable source. Varying concentrations of THC and CBD can lead to distinctive outcomes when using diverse cannabis varieties. Knowing which type is right for you will help ensure that your experience remains enjoyable instead of overwhelming or unpleasant.
The amount consumed also plays an important role in determining how high someone gets. Smoking flower typically produces more intense effects than vaping or eating edibles because it enters the bloodstream faster than other methods of consumption do; however, this isn’t always true depending on factors such as tolerance level and quality/potency of product being used If smoking flower seems like too much at first, try using a lower dosage tincture or edible instead until you become more comfortable with higher doses over time .
It is also important to pay attention to setting when consuming cannabis – avoid large crowds or unfamiliar environments where feeling overwhelmed could be a risk factor. Instead opt for familiar settings with people who make feel safe and relaxed such as friends’ homes or outdoor spaces where one can enjoy nature without feeling pressured by external stimuli . Additionally , keep in mind that combining alcohol with marijuana may increase feelings of intoxication since both substances are psychoactive . When mixing these two together , go slow and take frequent breaks throughout the night if needed .
In conclusion, understanding one’s own limitations when it comes to consuming cannabis is essential in order to maintain control while still enjoying its benefits safely. With knowledge about strain potency, personal dosing preferences, ideal settings and potential risks associated with combining substances; individuals can better equip themselves against unwanted side-effects while maximizing their enjoyment of this unique plant medicine.
Knowing your limits is an important part of responsible cannabis use, so be sure to stay within them. Now let’s move on to the next heading and discuss how you can avoid overindulging in cannabis products.
Avoid Overindulging
Staying within your limits when consuming cannabis is essential to avoiding negative outcomes such as paranoia and dizziness. Oversaturation of cannabis may result in undesirable consequences, such as unease and lightheadedness, which can persist for extended periods. To ensure you don’t overdo it, be aware of the signs that indicate you have had too much cannabis.
The first sign is usually a feeling of being overwhelmed by the experience. If feeling overwhelmed, step away and find a tranquil spot to soothe until ready to continue. Additionally, if you start feeling anxious or paranoid, these are both signs that it’s time to slow down or stop using altogether.
Before consuming marijuana, it is essential to be aware of your individual THC threshold so as to avoid any adverse effects. Everyone has different tolerances so make sure to experiment with small doses at first and gradually increase as needed over time. This will help prevent any adverse reactions such as panic attacks or extreme anxiety due to an unexpected high dose of THC.
If possible, avoid consuming edibles since they typically contain higher levels of THC than other forms of cannabis products like flower buds or oils – plus they tend to kick in faster than inhaled products which makes them easier to overindulge on accidentally. Instead stick with lower dosage options like tinctures or topicals if available where applicable in order to stay within your comfort zone while still enjoying all the benefits cannabis has offer without going overboard
Finally, choose your setting wisely when consuming cannabis – especially if trying something new for the first time. Avoid loud environments where there are lots of people around as this could potentially trigger feelings of anxiety due to its overwhelming nature; instead opt for quieter settings such as outdoors surrounded by nature where distractions are minimal and calming vibes abound.
To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, moderation should be observed when consuming cannabis. To ensure wellbeing and reduce the possibility of unfavorable responses, it is essential to keep hydrated.

Stay Hydrated
It’s important to stay hydrated when consuming cannabis. Consuming marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, can cause dehydration and an elevated heart rate; thus, staying hydrated is essential to counteract these effects and maintain proper bodily function. Staying hydrated helps reduce these effects and keeps your body functioning properly.
Consuming water or other fluids before, during, and after using cannabis is essential to help counteract the diuretic effects of THC on the body and maintain a steady heart rate. Drinking fluids like water or sports drinks can help keep your body from becoming dehydrated due to the diuretic effect of THC on the body. This will also help regulate your heart rate if it increases too much as a result of being high.
You should also avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee or energy drinks while consuming cannabis because they can further increase dehydration levels and exacerbate any side effects caused by being high. Instead opt for hydrating options such as herbal teas or fruit juices that contain electrolytes which are beneficial for rehydrating your body after a session with weed.
Regardless of cannabis use, it is imperative to stay mindful of hydration levels throughout the day in order to prevent dehydration-related symptoms such as dizziness or fatigue. Cannabis ingestion may bring about an intensified thirst in some people, which can lead to dehydration if not addressed correctly; hence, having access to liquid is crucial for avoiding signs of dehydration like dizziness or exhaustion. By drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after cannabis consumption and opting for hydrating options like herbal teas or fruit juices with electrolytes, you can ensure that your body remains optimally hydrated and functioning at its best.
Hydration is critical to maintaining a sharp, vigilant mindset when consuming cannabis. Choosing your setting wisely can help you avoid any uncomfortable or awkward situations when consuming marijuana.
Choose Your Setting Wisely
When it comes to cannabis, setting is key. Choosing the right setting for cannabis use is essential to ensure a positive experience. It’s essential to select an environment in which you feel at ease and won’t be criticized for being intoxicated. When selecting a place to smoke or consume marijuana, consider factors such as comfort and acceptance of the activity.
First, make sure that wherever you decide to partake in cannabis activities is legal. Verify that even if your state has legalized recreational cannabis, there may be limitations on using it publicly or smoking inside certain spots. Check local laws before lighting up anywhere unfamiliar.
Second, think about who will be present when consuming cannabis and how they might react to it. If possible, try and avoid judgmental people who don’t approve of your choice; they could ruin the entire experience with their negative energy or comments. You should also consider whether the other people around will respect your boundaries if you decide not to join them in smoking weed – no one should ever pressure someone else into doing something they’re uncomfortable with while under the influence of any substance (including alcohol).
Choose an environment that will make you feel most content and secure when consuming cannabis products such as edibles or flower buds. Whether it be a serene outdoor picnic spot surrounded by nature’s music, or an indoor living room filled with plush furniture and soothing tunes playing in the background – pick what makes you feel at ease before partaking in marijuana activities. To ensure your experience is enjoyable, remember to check local laws for any restrictions on public consumption or smoking indoors at certain places. Also, try to avoid judgmental people who don’t approve of your choice; they could easily sour the whole affair with their negative vibes. Ultimately, never let anyone force you to do something that goes against your wishes when intoxicated by any substance (including alcohol).
Safety should remain paramount when deciding on a spot to partake in cannabis activities. Keep an eye out for potential hazards like open flames near combustible materials or slippery surfaces that could cause slips and falls while under the influence of THC. Additionally, have access to reliable ride-sharing services or designated drivers available so everyone can get home safe after enjoying their time together responsibly without putting anyone’s wellbeing at risk by getting behind the wheel impaired even after waiting several hours post-consumption. Keywords: Safety, Hazards, Reliable Ride Sharing Services, Designated Drivers
FAQs in Relation to How to Not Look High
How to not be noticed high?
Be cognizant of your conduct when you are under the influence to ensure that it does not stand out. Avoid talking too loudly, acting overly animated or laughing uncontrollably. Be mindful of your surroundings and attempt to remain inconspicuous. Refrain from making any actions or utterances that could be deemed as socially unacceptable in public places. Keep conversations light and avoid topics that may arouse suspicion or raise eyebrows. Finally, practice deep breathing exercises if needed in order to remain calm and collected while under the influence of cannabis products.
Can taking a shower help with being high?
No, taking a shower will not help with being high. While it may make you feel more alert and refreshed, the effects of cannabis are caused by its chemical compounds interacting with receptors in your brain and body, so no amount of water can change that. Moreover, showers can lead to feelings of dizziness or faintness as a result of blood pressure alterations which may exacerbate any sensation of confusion experienced when under the influence of cannabis.
How do you get over post high?
To shake off a post-high feeling, taking some time to unwind and treat yourself is key. Taking a hot shower, listening to calming music, or going for a walk can help reduce the physical effects of being high. Drinking H2O and noshing on nourishing snacks can help refill your body with necessary nutrients lost during the high. Finally, talking about how you’re feeling with friends or family can be helpful in understanding any emotions that may have come up during the experience.
Do you focus better when you’re high?
Answering this question without exploring the influence of marijuana on mental performance is challenging. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, anecdotal reports suggest that cannabis may enable enhanced focus and concentration in certain contexts. For example, many people report feeling more creative and able to concentrate better while under the influence of cannabis. Therefore, it is possible that consuming marijuana could have a positive effect on one’s ability to focus.
In conclusion, learning to manage your cannabis consumption is key in not looking high. Realizing your capacity and when it’s time to call it quits are significant pieces of the puzzle for maintaining a sober body. Drinking plenty of water and being mindful of the environment you’re consuming in also play a role in avoiding any unwanted effects or reactions. With practice and vigilance, you can learn to consume cannabis without compromising your sobriety or control.
Discover the secrets of growing cannabis like a pro with GreenBudGuru.com, and learn how to master the art of not looking high while enjoying your favorite strain!

Originally posted 2023-03-31 13:30:49.